Wednesday, December 14, 2011

M.J. meets Santa!

Tonight M.J., Grandma M, and Aunt C and I went down to the Gingerbread house festival at the Gateway. Aunt H was volunteering and that is how we heard about it. It was pretty amazing I had no idea that this even exsisted and the Gingerbread houses were amazing! They also had a Santa there, which was awesome sense I haven't taken M.J. to see Santa yet. M.J. had no idea what was going on, but he will figure it out for next year I think!

We couldn't get him to smile we tried so hard!
I wanted to show how big the houses were, it was crazy! Also, this was M.J.'s favorite he wants his daddy to buy a house just like this for us to live in!

He was super entertained.... with his sleeve the whole time!

Had to make a quick stop at the North Pole, and ride the polar bears!

The details were just crazy good, it definatly got me in the mood to try my hand at gingerbread house making!

First Movie!

So L is out of town for the week for work, and M.J. and I are by our lonesome so we decided to meet Grandma M down at the Clark Planetarium to see a movie about Space because she was taking her MESA students on a field trip there.  I wasn't to worried about M.J., but it turns out I should have been.  He started bawling 30 seconds into the first preview.  I was not expecting that, so we will probably have to wait a while before we try that again! We did get a cute picture of M.J. trying to wear the 3-D glasses though!

3 months old!

Our little M.J. is three months old now! I can not believe how fast these three months have gone, but he is getting so so so big!  I weighed him on my parents scale so I don't know how accurate it is but it said 16.5lbs!  Some milestones he is hitting are:

  • Almost sitting by himself!
  • Laughing and giggling (so so so cute)
  • Sometimes he sleeps through the night but most of the time not :(
  • Loves to stand up!
  • Wearing size 6 month clothing
  • He is starting to grasp toys and move them around
  • Is trying so so so hard to crawl and roll over but still hasn't quite mastered either

Here are a few pictures of M.J. at 3 Months!
Listen to music with his Daddy!

Just hanging out!

Sitting all by himself!

Loves his football Jammies!

Getting so chubby I love his little arms!

Daddy's Little Gangster!

Wasatch Hurricane!

On December 1st, we experienced the Wasatch Hurricane! It was pretty crazy windy, and the damage it did was crazy! We lost power for like 16 hours, which was not very fun, I don't know how people did it without electricity, I guess they didn't know what they were missing, but man it is hard having no lights especially with every bathroom in the house not having a window in it. But it was quite the experience! I took some pictures of the cemetary that we live around the block from because the wind destroyed so many beautiful trees there, and I didn't know if I would ever see anything like that again. They said that the wind got up to 102 mph, which is the same strength as a size 2 hurricane.

We did have the tramp collapse.... Sad day!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Turkey, Turkey, Turkey!

We had such an awesome Thanksgiving! Especially because Aunt A came into town to help celebrate! We missed Uncle D, but unfortunatly he had to work all day on Black Friday so he couldn't make it... we were super bummed.  We started the day out with an awesome work out at GPP Fitness, which was so much fun, but super hard!  But, it made me feel better for eating like a piggy the rest of the day! LoL!
After that we cooked, ate, watched Football and played Traiters of Iran (also known as settlers of catan) and Ticket to Ride both are super fun awesome games! Favorite thing of the day was this post Aunt A put on facebook.....

Gotta love Thanksgiving at the McDonald residence...

Scott: You know, humans are a lot easier to "carve" than turkeys. We are less boney.

Amy: Good to know, Dad

Scott: Humans don't smell as good as turkey though.
Here are some other pictures from the day....
M.J. was very hungry!
L and M.J.




Love him!

Pinnacle Awards

This is out of order, but the night before M.J.'s blessing we celebrated how well L did this past summer selling security systems! He received this awesome Pinnacle watch for being number 45(I think) in the whole company! M.J. and I are so proud of him, and so grateful for how hard he works for us!  The award show was pretty good, they had this guy M.C. it who was hilarous.  (See previous post for video of him). We decided to dress M.J. up as a little pimp that night, and everyone loved it!
We love our little pimp!

Hilarous M.C. from Pinnacle Security's Award Show

M.J.'s Blessing

Well we blessed are little M. J. on November13th and it was an awesome day.  L did a wonderful job with the blessing, I of course cried but it was such an awesome experience.  We had lots of family on both L's and my side support us which we were so grateful for, and had a great little luncheon after his blessing.  I'm a little sad because I didn't take a picture of us as a family on the day, but I now know for our next child that I for sure want to do that!

M.J. and K hanging out on the morning of his blessing! They don't know it yet but they are going to be best buds!

Proud Grammy showing off M.J.'s blessing outfit!

Mommy and M.J.

I had some cookies made with M.J.'s name on them! They were super cute and super delious! BONUS!

Now sense he has been blessed he thinks he can just sleep through church.... I wonder who he learns it from....

His Grammy of Course... LOL
M.J. in his blessing outfit!

He is trying to give me a surprised look! Lol look at those eyebrows raised!

My little smiley man!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Three Years!

L and I celebrated our third year together on November 8th! We got the pleasure of going to the dentist as our gift to each other! It wasn't very fun especially when I found out that I had 5 cavities that need to be filled!  Ouch! L only had two, I was very jealous! After that painful afternoon, we spoiled ourselves by going to Ruth's Chris! It was delicious, if you want to try the best steak in the world defiantly try Ruth's Chris!

Me at Dinner

They decorated our table very nicely!

They even decorated our plates for us!

L deciding which dessert he wants to try first!

I can't believe how lucky I am to be married to such an amazing man! I don't tell him enough how much I love and adore him! He is such an amazing provider for our family, and he works so hard to make sure we have everything that we could ever need.  He is such an amazing father to M.J. he is so good with him and is always so willing to help out.  Everyday I thank my Father in Heaven for such an amazing husband, father and best friend.  He is so sweet to me and always compliments me even when I know I don't look cute, and I am so excited to spend the rest of eternity with L.