Wednesday, December 14, 2011

M.J. meets Santa!

Tonight M.J., Grandma M, and Aunt C and I went down to the Gingerbread house festival at the Gateway. Aunt H was volunteering and that is how we heard about it. It was pretty amazing I had no idea that this even exsisted and the Gingerbread houses were amazing! They also had a Santa there, which was awesome sense I haven't taken M.J. to see Santa yet. M.J. had no idea what was going on, but he will figure it out for next year I think!

We couldn't get him to smile we tried so hard!
I wanted to show how big the houses were, it was crazy! Also, this was M.J.'s favorite he wants his daddy to buy a house just like this for us to live in!

He was super entertained.... with his sleeve the whole time!

Had to make a quick stop at the North Pole, and ride the polar bears!

The details were just crazy good, it definatly got me in the mood to try my hand at gingerbread house making!


  1. Jane he is so stinking cute! I love all of his cute little clothes. Now that I'm out of school I would love to come by and meet him! We should get the girls together for breakfast or lunch.

  2. Thanks Arika! That would be fun to get together, M.J. Would love to meet you!
