Thursday, May 10, 2012

Memphis Home

So we are finally felling settled here in Memphis.  We moved out of that nasty Hotel, and moved into a better hotel for another week, and then finally we moved into our apartments.  They turned out to be very nice.  Its always hard for me during the summer because you can't really decorate and make the apartment homey because you don't want to spend all that money and then throw it away at the end of the summer.  So I decided to decorate some selling posters for L to Motivate him and help decorate a little bit.  Here are some pictures of the apartment. 

 M.J. being cute.  I just had to throw this in.
Our living room

Posters for Incentives 

Eating area

This is L's sales tracker poster! He is doing so good he is already at 59 sales and its  still only the beginning of the summer. 

The Kitchen

M.J.'s first high chair 

2nd bathroom

Bedroom, yeah I told L that we were getting the Zebra Bedspread just for fun! Oh and hot pink sheets! Yeah I'm an awesome wife I know. 

M.J.s bed.... yeah he still sleeps in our room, we are getting closer to him sleeping the whole night in his own bed.!!!

Little M.J. being cute
So that is our apartment.  It is pretty nice, and we are liking it! It came with free high speed Internet and free cable which is awesome! So we just had to rent a t.v. for the summer but it makes it so much nicer sense I am stuck at the apartment most days because L has to go out and sell all day.  But I am so proud of L he is doing so amazing.  He works so hard for M.J. and I and he is always going the extra mile to help me out at home, he is just such an amazing husband, father, and provider for our family.  I am so grateful that I lucked out with such a stud for a husband.  I am so proud of him already he has hit 59 sales (well he has hit more a few have cancelled) and we have only been out here for a month and a week! Yesterday he was in the top three salesmen in all of Deavcon! Sorry we just had to brag a little bit because we Love our L so much and want him to know how amazing he is! Other than that we have just been trucking along, trying to just have fun out here! We get to go to the pool a lot which is super fun, and hang out with the other wives out here which is really awesome.  Hopefully we will start exploring Memphis and find some cool stuff to do!

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