Friday, June 8, 2012

9 months old

Our little M.J. is now 9 months olds.  He is such a doll, and I am so blessed to have such a sweet little boy.  He finally got his two bottom teeth in they broke through the day after mother's day and he is getting his top two teeth right now, they haven't broken through yet but they are getting close.... he actually has been pretty good through all of this teething fun, but he sure does drool quite a bit haha.  He is working on walking he can stand by himself for 10 seconds, and can sort of take a step by himself.  He loves walking around holding on to things though.  We got him a little walker toy which he loves to walk around our apartment with.  He hates to sleep though, it is a fight every time to get him to go to sleep unless he is completely exhausted, but it makes it very hard on L and I when he needs to nap, or go to bed it takes forever to get him to sleep!  When he gets close to falling asleep he normally starts to scream or bounce himself back awake again he does not want to miss a thing when he sleeps.  He still only says DADA and BABA he doesn't say MAMA yet, which makes me sad but we are working on it.  He still loves to swim and just be with everyone.  He loves being the center of attention and loves to show off whenever he can!  He definitely is L's son.  He also still loves other kids and babies anytime we see them he starts to squeal with excitement and wants to run and play with them! He is a pretty good eater right now, he is on Stage 2 foods right now and is also trying some of Mom and Dad's food too, he loves Rice and Yogurt right now and he drinks out of most cups like a champ! He finally will occasionally take a pacifier but only for short bursts of time and never when he is upset!  I am still nursing him, and he nurses about 4 or 5 times a day/night.  He still is very picky about sleeping in our bed... he is only lasting a few hours in his bed but we are working on it. He is a very cuddly baby and loves to give hugs and kisses, but he doesn't like to be cuddled unless it is bed time.  He naps two or three times a day normally a short power nap in the morning and then a longer hour to two hour nap in the late afternoon, and occasionally he will take another power nap at around 7 ish.  He still has big bright blue eyes, and is starting to get a little more strawberry blonde hair!  I just love him so much and love seeing him grow and change he is so fun and is just my little buddy that we do everything together! Here are some cute pictures of him from the past month!

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