Friday, April 17, 2009


So I found this survey on Gayle's blog, and sense I am at work with nothing else today I thought what the heck lets take the survey.......... Thanks Gayle for keeping me occupied at work LOL.....

How long did you date? Well, I don't know if you would call it dating.... we went on a few dates here and there but we kind of just spend every second of the day together every day we could, so.... But we "dated" for 3 months.

How long have you been married? We have been married for 6 months now.... only eternity left....

Who eats more sweets? Uh duh, the fatty of the family me!!! I am always the one thats like can I eat a cookie instead of breakfast.....

How old is he? he is 22 almost 23 this August.....

Who is taller? Uh, Lester, if I ever wore heels that made me taller than him, those would be leathal to my health.

Who is smarter? Lester, he knows so much about the gospel it is amazing!!

Who can sing better? Oh definatly Lester because of his high falsetto voice, it is very sexy, kind of like Andy off of the office.

Who does the laundry? Me most of the time, but he helps me when I am lazy......

Who pays the bills? We both do I always right the checks though......

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Well, we kind of switch sides depending on if he wants the window open and the fan going.... I always make him sleep next to the fan I hate being cold at night.....

Who mows the lawn? Lol, well sense we don't have a lawn, I'll say I mow it lol!

Who cooks dinner? Well I do if we are cooking something big, but we really don't cook big dinners just like chicken and vegtables........

Who drives? We both do, if i'm in a bad mood, I normally do..... I don't want to yell at him.

Who is more stubborn? Lester is probably because he won't hug me if we have been fighting I have to hug him..... But I am more stubborn most of the time because sometimes I am just really crazy moody.

Who kissed who first? Oh Les kissed me first.... that was so fun I love kissing you les!

Who asked who out? He asked me out I guess, but I kind of made the first move by flying out to Cinci to met him lol.

Who proposed? He proposed..... I kind of brought up marriage though.... I knew I wanted to marry him the moment I met him, creepy, or cute..... Lol.

Who has more siblings? He does, He has 1 brother and 3 sisters, and all his siblings are married so his family is a lot bigger than mine.

Who wears the pants? He does definatly!

I love you Les, you make my life so amazing!!! I love you so much!!


  1. Ew...newlyweds are so gross.

    OH! Just kidding! Hey, you should totally succomb to the baby urges. Maybe the big guy upstairs is trying to tell you something.

    Or maybe you just want a big pair of overalls for yourself. I know where you can get some. Then you can sing "My humps, my humps, my lovely baby bump".

  2. SO, I didn't know you had a blog. That is great.

    Are you still training for the triathlon. That is pretty cool. Good luck with that.

    Do you work Mon - Sat or what are your hours? Maybe you could come over for lunch sometime.

    Sarah is such a funny girl huh ^ :)

  3. I had to go to the mall yesterday because...

    I had a craving for Cheesecake Factory.

    (The honesty is horrifying, I know.)

    We looked for you so we good bring you a DIET COKE and SOME COOKIES, but you weren't there.

    So we ate them.

    Sorry. ;)

  4. so we COULD bring you...

    my poor pregnant brain.
